1. I met Shannan when I was 17 years old (44 years ago but who’s counting). I soon began to know how blessed and lucky I was to have been randomly assigned Shannan as a roommate. I would not be the person I am today, without her as a huge part of my life. She was a woman with extraordinary heart. She took me home on weekends and made me part of her family (they also – were full of heart). Rooming together through our college years and then visiting each other across many miles, sharing life’s treasures, we grew together and shared an incredible friendship, which I will always treasure.

    I have so many memories and stories, like the time we hiked the Grand Canyon, to the bottom and back out in one day, with our other roommate and good friend, Isabel. Shannan, of course, designed and had printed clever and humorous t-shirts for us – the front saying “A Woman’s Place is on the Bottom….” and the back saying “Of the Grand Canyon”. Life was always an adventure with Shannan. ❤️

    Shannan was a second Mom to my daughter, who also cherished all of the time she spent with her “Aunt Shannan”, even spending time with her prior to heading to Scottsdale for her bachelorette party.

    Shannan made everyone feel special and gave herself to all causes (even me at times haha). I remember (again showing how much heart she had) when I was going through a difficult time, she dropped everything and flew to the east coast to be with me and my daughter – bringing care, laughter, cheer and heart to us. That’s what she did. That’s the woman Shannan was.

    To quote Maya Angelou, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel”
    No one could ever forget Shannan.

    Shannan touched my life and I am a better person for having known her. Her love for me and my love for her will be with me always.

    She loved and gave her heart to everyone she met, with so much kindness.

    I am so fortunate to have been able to share so many amazing memories with Shannan. I look around my house and so many things remind me of the times we shared and how she made me feel. Most of the best times in my life were those shared with Shan.

    With her arms hugging me tight and squeezing – her last words to me were “Love You” in her very upbeat way. I will always cherish this and all of my years of memories.

    She will always be here, in my heart, giving me strength, support, and love. She is and always will be a “rainbow in my cloud”.

  2. I am having trouble finding words to express how amazing Shannan was, she is the one I wish I could be more like — her strength, wisdom, compassion, generosity, sense of adventure, fun, passion, and happiness were a blessing to so many people. She was my business mentor at the startup incubator. I was so impressed by her business savvy and emotional intelligence — I learned so much. When the startup fell through we remained friends and she was so generous at sharing her family, friends, and adventurous life. She not only taught me about business but how to dig for clams while diving, to shoot skeet, and appreciate the good things. I felt so lucky to have her as a friend and I find comfort in the fact that she lived her life so well. She is my favorite hero.
    I LOVE YOU SHANNAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Shannan and I were friends for over 41 years, and I am finding it hard to express just what she meant to me. It was always astonishing that she found me interesting as she was such a brave and forward thinking person. After all, she swam with sharks, and I was too chicken to even wade with goldfish!

    There are too many things to list that she did for me, and no matter how busy she was, she would always listen to my petty complaints. And the grand ones, too. Shannan had solutions to offer, and sometimes I was even smart enough to try them.

    We met on a beach in Rocky Point, on a camping trip with others who are now just a faded memory. Shannan brought homemade chocolate chip cookies, and I knew from that moment on we would be longtime friends.

    Shannan was successful by any outsider’s opinion, for sure. But it was her love of life, her love of friends and family and the relationships she nurtured that made her the whole person she was. I will always cherish her as my guiding star.

  4. We met Shannan and Chris when JW was in cubscouts. Shannan was a kind and generous soul who always modeled the willingness to step forward and help with a great spirit. Thank you for being love in action. Blake, Jane, Cary, Katie Kelly

  5. Matt and I have been blessed to know Shannan and Chris for the past 12 years thru our Tierra Antigua family. Shannan was always a joy and helped so many people in our community in real estate but after today’s beautiful service it is very apparent that real estate was just a small portion of the lives Shannan has touched. We shared things in common, Mexico and scuba diving. I enjoyed hearing about their many adventures and she was always happy to hear about ours. The family was clearly her number one and Chris and Shannan shared a bond that was so apparent to everyone. Much love to Chris and all of the family. We celebrate Shannan today.

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